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Partnership of the Century!

What happens when two of the brightest minds in technology join forces? You witness the most spectacular technological achievements mankind has ever known!

Reputable sources have already confirmed this event!! John Ford at Aldenta has the story.

So I’m an optimist.

In more down-to-earth news, my brother, John Ford (Aldenta), has partnered up with Glenn Fu for some pretty exciting projects. While I’m not at liberty to share the fact that we’re creating an actual DEATH STAR in order to TAKE OVER THE UNIVERSE, just know we’re having a great time and I’m learning a ton.

We start our days bright any early with a great workout (stretching, weights, running), smoothies for breakfast, and a healthy dose of international (and sometimes local) news to keep our minds from getting too trapped inside the little boxes where we spend so much of our time. After that John does things to make money while I fool around and try to learn stuff. Hopefully in the near (very near) future I’ll be doing more of what he’s doing. Right now it looks like we’re on the right track!

Additionally, since I’m currently in a very low-budget situation, we have the opportunity to try to take on some more exciting (and thus more risky) projects that neither one of us would have been able to attempt alone. I can’t wait to be able to share stories of our accomplishments! Until then, I have quite a bit of learning to do in order to get up to speed. Wish me luck!

Welcome to Glenn Fu!

Welcome everyone to Glenn Fu.  As a Java Developer I’ve managed to express my creativity through the development of games, applications, and artificial intelligence.  While I have managed to share some small parts of it through projects of mine such as GameLizard, I’ve never really been able to share all of my creations with more than my immediate peers.

Now that I’m transitioning into the web-based domain through languages such as PHP and Ruby (through the Ruby on Rails framework), I plan to keep up my usual innovative trend but this time with a much stronger focus on giving back to a community that has already given so much to me!  Hardly 2 weeks into learning Ruby on Rails I’ve already been given amazing assistance from the energetic online community that exists around it.

Inspired by their generosity, I plan to do my part to become an active contributor to this rich online community of creative and intelligent minds.  Hopefully it won’t take long before Glenn Fu becomes a great host of knowledge itself!