Aldenta and Glenn Fu Skydiving Adventure!

So my brother, John Ford (Aldenta), frequently sky dives and last weekend I went with him! Here’s the video:

He has so many great things to teach me! First it’s Ruby on Rails, then a little PHP. Then about how it’s a good idea to jump out of airplanes.

Thanks to Carolina Skydiving for an excellent first experience!


#1 Sam Moore on 12.11.07 at 2:25 pm

Jumping out of perfectly good airplanes… It just ain’t right. Make sure John hasn’t taken out some multi-million dollar insurance policy on you! 🙂

#2 Dad on 12.12.07 at 8:52 am

Wow! That looks fun. So proud of you! Dad

#3 Glenn Ford on 12.18.07 at 11:44 am

It was tons of fun for sure! The real test, however, will be to see if he can convince me to go and do it again!